How to Buy and Sell Cryptocurrency for Profit?

Toto Sportwetten There is a vast number of digital assets in the market. If you look at the Coinmarketcap ranking and sort assets by their market cap, you will see the leaders with mega-cap: Bitcoin, Ethereum., Tether, XRP, and others. XRP is probably the most controversial asset because it causes many debates among investors. On the one hand, the Ripple ledger is applied by tens of large corporations, but on the other hand, the legislative proceedings initiated by the SEC pull the project down and do not allow it to develop on a full scale. The cryptocurrency Ripple XRP price is held around the $0.38 mark. It does not show significant growth during the market uprises and does not drop. The reason is that large investors still hold XRP long-term, waiting for the project to solve its issues with the SEC. With its groundbreaking technology, Ripple has a big chance to boost in the future. If now over 100 companies use the Ripple ledger, then when the court case is closed, the project will skyrocket. So it makes sense to buy this asset and hold it long-term.
How to Buy Cryptocurrency on WhiteBIT?

WhiteBIT is a regulated crypto exchange with European registration and an official license. The platform belongs to the centralized type (CEX), which means:

  • It offers a wide range of financial tools, including trading futures, meaning, leverage, etc.
  • It allows buying crypto coins with fiat money.
  • It is secure and protected against hacker attacks.
  • It provides quality customer support.
  • It has sufficient liquidity.

To buy crypto on a centralized platform, such as the WhiteBIT crypto exchange, you may use the p2p option and exchange your crypto coins directly with other users on the platform. This option does not require verification.

If you want to purchase XRP with fiat currency, you must pass verification. It takes just a couple of days. Once the KYC is completed, you can access all the platform’s features and trading tools.
Here is a manual on how to buy and sell cryptocurrencies:

  • Register
  • Pass verification
  • Add your bank card
  • Move funds to your account
  • open the position to buy XRP, picking the fiat currency you have
  • pay the commission.

In a matter of minutes, the XRP tokens will be accrued to your account. Learn more about how to buy and sell crypto on the WhiteBIT blog.

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